<p>In 1981, 5 musicians met to stir up the East German cultural scene. All had already played in established bands and had plenty of musical experience. Since they were based in (East) Berlin, they named themselves after a city district and former seat of government and played with the term punk.</p>
<p>What united the band from the beginning was to play good, guitar-heavy rock music with German lyrics. Thus, 11 albums were created to date, one turned again and again to theatrical materials and means to come to sharper statements, live presence was, in addition to good songs, the decisive thing, the show in front of and with the audience. A band that existed and exists on the village hall, as well as in the club, in halls or stadiums.</p>
<p>So it is to this day: starting in November, PANKOW goes on an anniversary tour. The tour culminates on December 12 in a concert in the band's hometown, celebrating into the actual birthday. On December 13, the band's birthday will then be celebrated in the same place and the tour will come to an end.</p>
<p>PANKOW was always the voice that reflected sensitivities of people who somehow have not made it, who can not adapt, who struggle with their lives, sometimes snotty, sometimes tender, sometimes ironic, sometimes sad.</p>
<p>PANKOW was and is always emotional.</p>
<p>Jürgen Ehle * André Herzberg * Stefan Dohanetz * Kulle Dziuk * André Drechsler</p>