<p>The concert has been rescheduled from February 04, 2022 to April 21, 2023. Purchased tickets retain their validity.</p>
<p>SCHATTENMANN took the black scene by storm with their debut album „Licht an“ in 2018. Within a very short time, they breathed new life into the genre that groups like RAMMSTEIN and OOMPH!!! once invented for themselves with their own style (NDH2.0., a mix of metal and NDH) and, on their support tours with bands like MEGAHERZ, HÄMATOM, FEUERSCHWANZ and UNZUCHT, ensured that the band was soon the talk of the town.</p>
<p>2019 Schattenmann followed up with their second album and landed with EPIDEMIE at number 32 in the German Media Control Charts. Already two released albums, two own tours, performances at renowned festivals (M’era Luna, Amphi, Hexentanz, WGT uvm.) and last but not least their extraordinary stage show make SCHATTENMANN a band you can't miss.</p>
<p>On November 5, 2021, the third studio album CHAOS will be released and on February 04, 2022, Schattenmann will give a guest performance at the Maschinenhaus in the Kulturbrauerei.</p>